Employment policies
- Employees are not authorized nor approved to act or communicate on behalf of Hikerwolf and he/she is not authorized to reveal or disclose any private information about the company to any Third-party/person without consent.
- Employees agree that any unauthorized use, sharing whether oral, written, or digital in any manner whatsoever of the confidential information, present terms and conditions, access to any Trip data, or login credentials, access to any software, or to any third party shall amount to a breach of this policy.
- Any Candidate applying by any source for any Position in Hikerwolf whatsoever will be considered as an agreement to the terms and conditions or to our policies.
- Termination clause- Hikerwolf can terminate any Employee by giving 30 days of the Notice period and by giving reasoning depending on breach of policies, or for any misconduct observed, or if the employee is engaged in any unlawful business practice.
- Employees can resign by giving mandatory prior 30 days notice period with proper handover and no loss to the company.
- The resignation will be accepted with proper details and the notice period given.
Full and final settlement of the employee can take up to 90 days with proper procedure and policies followed. - If any Employee leaves or absconds for any reason whatsoever on an immediate basis then the company is not liable to pay any monetary gains or whatsoever pending in settlement.
- Breach of any above policies given will lead to appropriate legal action.