Videographer and Photographer

Currently, we are open only for collaboration. Following are the terms on which we are looking to Collaborate 

What’s in for you?

1. Travelling on the HikerWolf trips and events
2. Food and sightseeing expenses.
3. All days accommodation.


1. Your work will be promoted, giving him the picture credits.
2. You will be free to use trip pictures on his social media account.

What we expect from you

1. To create engagement on the trip with your creative photography
3. Click as many candids as possible.
4. Cover all the locations and major points of the destination in your click.
5. Shoot videos and clips of fun moments.
6. Shoot review videos of our members.

Make sure your camera makes most of the memories and brings smiles to our trippers when they return back. If you are interested in the same please fill the following application form