Feeling lost and alone? Here’s how travel can be a healer

Girl Photo With Sun

Not long before I saw life as the jolliest ride🚵‍♀️ I went through this phase where I had felt completely lost and alone. A weird sort of existential crisis hit right up in the gut. And I was totally clueless.

I didn’t even know how to deal with it, even simple thought of moving out of the couch was felt like a big exhausting task🪓. At that time I was moving around quite often, from Bangalore – Kerala – Chennai, and the cycle was repeated♻️.

Exhausted girl

That’s when I noticed something, the minute I had stepped out, be it impulsively or with a planned idea, I felt a lot better.

While I can’t speak for many out there who might feel trapped, confused, suffocated and many other things… For me personally, having my friend drag me out at 4 am in the morning to go for a trek and watch the sunrise from the top, is something I’d still sign up for if I feel low. 

The early morning picture is still clear in my eyes as I write this.. clouds covering most of the view, the sun trying to peek through them🌤️ in the lightest shades I’ve ever seen, the wind in my hair that would just drag me along if it weren’t for the firm grip shoes and then a puff of cold breath I’d breathe out… 

morning sunrise, travelling as healing

Like I was breathing out everything that bothered me or messed with my head. Shorter distances turned into long distances, and I was rarely found cocooned in my home.

That’s when I knew, Travel is what keeps me afresh. I was getting back to a better self once I got out a lot more, breathed fresh air, got some good sunshine and laid off watching the stars. In fact, I felt like I was a new person, feeling more energetic and creative👩🏻‍🎨. 

We’ve all been so busy, hustling around endlessly, catching up on an imaginary race🏃🏻… it’s rare to watch someone stop for a minute and take a break. 

Such breaks are left for vacations that come hardly once or twice in a year. The thought of that itself makes me want to pack my bags and run away😰 before I get caught up with it too. 

Juggling between career, friends, family, there’s very little space we hold for ourselves. Some days it becomes important to choose your own wellness in a heartbeat. 

Enjoy travelling


Relax, Reconnect and Reinspire yourself😃. 

The amount of happiness that brings in is IMMEASURABLE. 

So as much as a clichè it sounds, I’d say travel as much as you can, there’s so much out there that’d leave you mesmerised and humbled😇. While many issues that we face are better handled by professionals(but sometimes they also ask you to breathe a little) and not plane tickets, there are few things we could sure give ourselves a chance with. 

Healing comes from within, and it’s sure not something we could force out. Especially when you talk of mental health.

Discovering new places, cultures, cuisines and people. It’s all an experience that adds flavour to our life without us even realising it. 

I’d ALWAYS suggest people leave behind the virtual screens💻 go someplace with no cell service📵. Maybe just pack a journal, sketchbook, camera along with your usuals. And in no time you’d be following a trail to the heaven. 

beautiful path, travel,trek

Finding our own calling requires a lot more perspective than any four-walled room could give. Break from your routine, decode that healing💌 needs a lot more space and time. So every now and then gift yourself the healing package of traveling to understand the simple pleasures😌 of life…

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